Posts Tagged ‘ Death Note ’

Odds & Ends: Beyblade Burst Evolution coming later this year? Buddyfight X’s dub dated, DHX’s new look and broadcasters for Mega Man

MIPTV, the four-day Cannes television trade show is just weeks away and as companies prepare to hawk their latest productions to merchandisers and broadcasters the world over, news of what will be available is slowly starting to trickle out. Continue reading

CRTC approves Gintama, World Trigger, more as Canadian content; DHX set to co-produce new Mega Man cartoon

My actual reaction to what you're going to read below.

My actual reaction to what you’re going to read below.

Long time readers of the blog should be aware of the concept of Cancon quotas – a mandate by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) that requires all Canadian television broadcasters to devote a certain percentage of their schedule to locally produced content. It’s a protectionist measure meant to encourage industry and prevent Canada from just being the US, but colder. The quotas have almost certainly benefited the Canadian anime fandom, as simply recording a show’s audio track in Canada qualifies the production as partial Cancon. This gives anime a leg up on other foreign shows. Due to a number of factors, Canadian anime dubs are far less common than they once were. But things might be starting to look up.

To keep broadcasters honest, the CRTC requires programs wishing to count as Canadian content to be sent for approval. As a result of that, the CRTC keeps a publicly accessible database of content that is certified Canadian. This year has seen some interesting anime additions that haven’t aired on Canadian TV. Continue reading