Digimon Fusion is airing on YTV


In late January, a few blogs associated with Saban Brands’ Ambassador program posted up articles stating that Digimon Fusion, the company’s adaptation of Digimon Xros Wars, would be airing on YTV starting February 28th. I teased that tidbit in I Miss Bionix’s coverage of that recent Pokémon invasion. Ultimately Zap2it, and YTV’s schedule didn’t agree with that premiere date, so I figured things were pushed back. Apparently it was just a single week as it looks like the show premiered on March 7th. Episode 3 premieres this Friday at 7:30AM EDT.

Saban Brands describes this latest incarnation of the Digimon franchise as:

Digimon Fusion is the all-new animated series and sixth installment of the Digimon franchise. The action packed series follows Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital world and must team up with his new “Digimon” or “Digital Monster” friends to defeat evil once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fuse, creating endless battle possibilities.

Digimon Fusion marks the return of the property to YTV. The channel had previously aired the first four seasons of the show, with the fifth, Digimon Data Squad, receiving a run on Family Channel.

Digimon Fusion premiered last fall on Nickelodoen in the US, before quickly being scooted off to the network’s Nicktoons sister channel. A secondary broadcast began on January 25th during Saban Brands’ Vortexx block on The CW. The 79 episode series originally ran from 2010 to 2012 in Japan.

This is one of the few times in this blog’s history that I’m late in reporting something and it’s not due to my sheer laziness or general apathy towards the subject matter. Digimon Fusion never received a proper announcement for a broadcast on YTV. It wasn’t mentioned in their March press release, nor their social media feeds. Heck, outside of that slightly vague Tweet I posted earlier, the show’s March broadcast was never acknowledged by Saban. I only learned about the broadcast through a Twitter user bringing it to my attention.

In some other house keeping, Power Rangers Super Megaforce (what a creative title) has been airing on the channel since March 1st in the 12:30PM slot. It’s kind of weird that Digimon isn’t joining Power Rangers in the Saturday afternoon slots, especially considering the fact that B-Daman Crossfire is now out of season.

Thanks ToonDude7!

    • Fireboy
    • March 18th, 2014

    Having watched Xros Wars as it was airing in Japan, the dub just seems awful. I can’t stop laughing everytime that Taiki is called Mikey. And there’s all the one liners, but I’m not sure if they were present in the original (I don’t think they were).

    I’m really curious to see how they handle Mervamon and some of her attacks.

    • Anime-Ash
    • March 22nd, 2014

    What’s pretty ironic and somewhat exciting, is after everything YTV has been through and all the changes that have gone with that channel, 4 of YTV’s main animes are now airing back-to-back again with a new generation every Friday morning

    7:00am-Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
    7:30am-Digimon Fusion
    8:00am-Pokemon (BW:Rival Destinies right now)
    8:30am-Beyblade: Metal Fury.

    Be honest, who would have thought we’d ever see a schedule like that on YTV again.

    Even the “Super Anime Lineup” is still pretty ironic on Saturdays
    12:00pm-Pokemon The Series: XY
    12:30pm-Power Rangers Super Megaforce
    1:00pm-Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
    1:30pm-Bdaman Crossfire

    Who thought we’d ever see Power Rangers, Bdaman or Digimon ever return to YTV. Maybe there’s still hope we can see a small Bionix revival in the future

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