Posts Tagged ‘ Shin Gojira ’

Canadian Theatrical News: Shin Godzilla, Miss Hokusai, Yo-Kai Watch: The Movie


This mega Canadian silver screen update has got kaiju, something you might confuse for one of Ghibli’s more obscure films, Ghibli itself and an overdue horror screening. However, before we dive into any of those, I’ve got some Yo-Kai to attend to.

In one of the blog’s recent posts, I offhandedly mentioned that Yo-Kai Watch: The Movie would be screened in Canada. We’re now days away from the film’s October 15th US premiere and we’re still kind of left in the dark as to what will happen. Cineplex, the go to for Canadian Eleven Arts event screenings, posted a page for the film with a release date on the same day as the US, but never offered ticket reservations. That page has since been deleted. While that might seem alarming, I spoke to a representative from Eleven Arts last week who confirmed the film will be released in Canada. Unfortunately, they didn’t give me any more info than that. I can only speculate as to what’s going on (Teletoon’s run of season 2 is coming a little late, maybe there’s some narrative hooks that setup the film that the Canadian run hasn’t gotten to yet?), so I’ll just say Yo-Kai is why? Continue reading